Year 9 Options

Options booklet

You can see the options booklet below and discover the wide range of choices that  are available to Year 9 students for Key Stage 4 study.

If you wish to download a copy of the booklet, right-click this link: Y9 options booklet

Presentation to parents

Below is the main presentation delivered to parents at the Options Evening.

Careers information

To find out about developments in the local job market, click the link below to visit the LMI Humber section of the Skills Hull & East Yorkshire website.

LMI website

For guidance on how to use KUDOS to find out about careers and how they are related to subject choices, click the links below.

Video: how-to use KUDOS

KUDOS – a user’s guide

Click the link below to access a copy of a guide to supporting your child with option choices, which has been produced by Cascaid.

Parents’ guide to careers guidance

Submitting your choices

Option choices should be submitted using the Google Form below.

Options form

Please submit your child’s choices by Tuesday 9 April 2024.

If you have any issues with the submission of your option choices, then please contact Mr Hamshaw, either by telephone (on 01482 881531) or by e-mail (at


If you have questions regarding any aspect of Year 9 options, please contact Mr Hamshaw, either by telephone (on 01482 881531) or by e-mail (at