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Exam Results

We are extremely proud of the excellent results achieved by our students. There were some truly outstanding performances but more importantly our students’ results enabled them to progress on to their chosen destinations at post-16.

Measure BGS Results National Results
Progress 8 0.14 0
Attainment 8 51.6 46.2
Grade 5 or above in English and Maths 61% 45%
Grade 5 or above in English 70% 60%
Grade 5 or above in Maths 72% 51%
Pupils staying in education or entering employment 98% 94%


Measure BGS Results National Results
Progress 8 0.22 0
Attainment 8 52.3 48.8
Grade 5 or above in English and Maths 62% 50%
Grade 5 or above in English 70% 62%
Grade 5 or above in Maths 70% 52%
Pupils staying in education or entering employment 98% 94%