Work With Us

Why Work at BGS?

Beverley is a superb location, regularly viewed as one of the best towns to live in England; sitting at the foot of the beautiful Yorkshire Wolds and within easy reach of the cities of York and Kingston Upon Hull, as well as the rugged East Yorkshire coastline. The secondary and primary  schools within Beverley have excellent reputations and the area is a fantastic one to bring up children. 

As the oldest state school in the country, we have a rich history and are very mindful of protecting and celebrating this whilst also ensuring we develop a team of forward thinking, innovative staff. 

We pride ourselves on being a warm,  welcoming school who values strong relationships with all stakeholders and cares deeply about the welfare of our staff and students.  We are a high performing school, necessarily ambitious for our students and their future. We believe in the professionalism and expertise of our staff and aim to embed an ethos that allows everyone the opportunity to thrive.

We maintain that our school is a stimulating and rewarding community in which to work. We want staff to challenge our students, and expect to be challenged by them. We support each other in creating a “BGS family” that enables us to produce well-rounded staff, capable of the career progression  they deserve.

We actively encourage staff to go beyond the classroom, operating a range of extracurricular activities and giving staff the autonomy to share their passions and interests with the students.

Staff are rightly proud to work at this school. They speak highly about the quality training and support they receive. They appreciate senior leaders’ ‘open-door’ policy. They say leaders genuinely care about their well-being as that of pupils. ‘We love our jobs and we are a team.’  Ofsted

We are serious about staff welfare at BGS and this is very much part of the school ethos, which are reflected in our welfare principles:

  • Our school aims, encapsulated as Confidence – Ambition – Resilience – Empathy, are applicable to staff as well as students
  • Staff are our most valuable resource. We recognise the positive difference that a motivated, highly skilled team of professionals, make to our students’ experience of school
  • We aim to provide a caring and supportive work environment and endeavour to assist staff to find flexible solutions to employment issues
  • We recognise that staff have hectic, demanding lives outside of work and strive to accommodate personal circumstances, as per our special leave policy
  • We aim to provide a sensitive, non-judgemental environment where staff feel that they may voice concerns, be listened to, and feel supported
  • We aim to develop and implement HR policies that provide a consistent, yet flexible, framework to support staff through employment issues in a fair and sensitive manner
  • All staff are encouraged to take responsibility for their own health and well-being
  • Fostering a community of positive staff-student relationships where staff are enabled to concentrate on teaching and learning
  • Signposting staff to areas of specialist support as required -OH, MIND,Cruse, Relate, etc -and promoting mental wellbeing
  • Provision of opportunities for staff to work with and learn from colleagues and to engage in professional development that is consistent with their needs and career aspirations
  • Highly experienced HR support is available to all staff within school. Our safeguarding officer is also able to provide appropriate support to staff
  • Supporting the staff social team within school with promotion of events etc and making facilities available to staff,  for example, for staff football, use of the gym, tennis courts
  • An ethos which encourages staff to seek help when having to deal with student behavioural issues, for example lesson support
  • Actively encouraging initiatives such as whole class feedback which can contribute to a reduced workload and simplifying monitoring and review procedures, and reduction in data collection points
  • Streamlining cumbersome systems such as appraisal and not overburdening with new initiatives