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Library and Resource Centre

Our fantastic librarians are Mrs Judd and Mrs Williams. Help is always available to students regarding any library query or if they require help with homework research.

Students may borrow up to three books for three weeks.

Students can access computers, use non-fiction books for homework and recreational research, or browse the well-stocked fiction shelves. We also offer a stationery shop for school essentials.

In Years 7 and 8, students visit the library regularly with their English teacher. They are introduced to research skills to enable them to become independent learners.

The library promotes Reading for Pleasure throughout the year. We shadow the Carnegie Book Award, host authors and follow a number of national book events.

At breaks and lunchtime the library is open for students to play a range of board games, as well as accessing the computers for homework and returning and taking out books.

Opening Times

Monday – Friday: 8:30 – 16:00