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Our Vision

Our straightforward aims were established jointly by staff and students. Each year, as we build our development plan, we ensure that it is consistent with these aims.

“Expectations are high. Pupils are polite, articulate and courteous. They live the school’s values of confidence, ambition, resilience and empathy. Pupils love coming to school.” Ofsted

Our aims are for students to:

  • have the ambition and confidence to achieve their dreams
  • act with self-awareness, empathy and tolerance
  • have the independence and resilience to overcome barriers.

To achieve these aims, we strive to:

  • set high expectations and standards in all areas of school life
  • provide a consistent, respectful and highly supportive environment
  • create opportunities for students to become leaders
  • value the achievements and contributions of all students
  • make students’ experience at BGS memorable.