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DofE Sections

The DofE Award at Bronze and Silver level consists of 4 distinct sections; Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Expedition. There is also a 5th section, a Residential, at Gold Level.

Volunteering, Physical and Skill Sections

To help foster independence in the young people undertaking the award, the DofE Leaders at Beverley Grammar School advise and support young people to find their own activities and placements for the Volunteering, Physical and Skill sections of the award.

The permitted activities that can be carried out for each of these sections are varied and should be something that the young people enjoy or have a keen interest in trying out.

  • Examples of volunteering activities include; litter picking in the local park, supporting elderly neighbours, working at food banks, fundraising for local charities etc
  • Examples of physical activities include; football, rugby, martial arts, tennis etc
  • Examples of skill activities include; learning a musical instrument, photography, painting, woodwork, go-karting, snooker, darts etc

Further information and ideas for each of the sections can be found via the links below:

Sections Information

Section Ideas

Participants are provided with a log in for the online DofE portal, eDofE. Using this platform, they can propose and gain approval for the activities they intend to carry out, as well as upload evidence of their achievements and submit assessors reports to complete each section of the Award. The link below, leads to the eDofE platform.


The checklist below provides additional information regarding completing the different sections of your Award.

Participant's DofE Checklist

The Expedition

The School group leaders have a much greater involvement in the planning and preparations for the Expedition section of the award.

For the expedition section, young people will attend training sessions in school to be taught the skills required to be self sufficient throughout their expedition including; navigation, the use of a compass, first aid, pitching and striking camp, camp cooking, and expedition nutrition.

When will the training take place?

Training currently takes place weekly in T2 in the D&T Building. These sessions are mandatory and all participants are expected to attend.

Each award will require the young people to complete the following for their expedition:

  • One full training expedition
  • One full assessed expedition

More detailed information on the content of the sessions can be found in the 'Expeditions & Training' area of this site.

The assessed expedition

When the young people carry out their assessed expedition several requirements need to be met for them to 'pass' their expedition. These can be found via the link button below;

Expedition Requirements